
We are reading news headlines and hearing many stories based around CoronaVirus (Covid – 19), not only in other parts of the world but now in Ireland, which makes it feel all the more real as it gets closer to home.

Everyday in LMH ENGINEERING we work both collectively and as part of a team within the organisation to keep ourselves and each other safe at all times. Whether that be in the workshop or on site, at home or abroad, and we know that we are surrounded by fantastic people with a “can do attitude” who promote safety and teamwork everyday no matter what the challenge.

Now we are faced collectively again, but this time as a nation with a different type of challenge than what we are used to, we are now facing head on the CoronaVirus (Covid-19), with this each of us has a duty to minimise the risk of carrying and spreading the virus.

It is imperative that we all remain calm in the situation we find ourselves in and that we make plans along with implement preventative measures and controls to be put in place immediately, not only in the workplace but equally at home and in public to protect ourselves and each other and allow each of us to be convinced/confident we have done all we can, to go home to our families and friends without the worry of being at risk with the virus.

With that in mind, we have generated the following information (“attached”) that we ask you to familiarise yourself with, along with promote some very simple measures we as a company are implementing within the workplace for going forward to minimise the risk of Covid-19.

  • HSE guidelines and procedures if you think you are at risk.
  • Imagery of how the virus attacks the human body and what you should do if you are feeling unwell.
  • Contact information for the HSE (phone 1800 459 459).
  • LMH Policy for controlling the workplace (both in the workshop and onsite) This for the workshop has been briefed to the shop stewards to stagger tea breaks to keep numbers low in the canteen to be able keep distance apart as set out by HSE. For site personnel we ask that you have read and that this is rolled out on a tool box talk.
  • Guidance flowchart for Covid – 19.

We will keep monitoring the situation, however, it will be business as usual with all identified/implemented precautions set out both in the above and attached, and we ask that you carry out your own research if necessary and feel free to share/promote.

If for any reason you wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to make contact with us.

James Kelly
Managing Director

11th March 2020